Monday, September 03, 2012

Gallup - Weak Showing For Romney

Remember, Gallup has a bit of a Republican bias.

Gallup: GOP Convention, Romney Speech Evoke Lukewarm Reactions
Speech gets lowest ratings of any Gallup has measured since 1996


Glynn Kalara said...

RMONEY and LYIN RYAN are duds. Nevertheless, Barry hasn't earned a 2nd term either , so this is a horse race between two bad choices. I just might not vote or vote for Dr. Jill Stein this yr.

Jim Sande said...

They really are duds, worst bump and worst appeal of a convention in decades. Jersey is blue, New York is blue. I'm am admitting that I will vote for Obama. I can't vote for Romney, clearly. Third party candidates only have chances in small progressive villages and towns, possibly some small cities.

Jim Sande said...

Don't get me wrong though, I understand the appeal of voting conscience.