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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The 'Skewed Poll' Conspiracy Theory

Amazingly even FOX News is part of the conspiracy. The latest FOX News polls has Obama winning by 5 points.

AlterNet: Why Right-Wingers Need ‘Skewed Polls’ Conspiracy Theory for Romney to Win -- And Even More If He Loses


Glynn Kalara said...

The right just cannot accept facts that don't fit their narrative, so in their alternate reality bubble they cook up these crazy conspiracy theories to cover themselves when they lose. If obama wins they'll claim he stole the election somehow and he is therefore illegitimate. In 1860 they did the same thing when Lincoln won and then they tried to leave.

Jim Sande said...

These people are going bonkers over Obama and I still don't get what the problem is since Obama is basically a conservative corporatist hell bent on Bush foreign policy approaches. Obama is more conservative than Nixon. So they made up a list of outrageous false claims about Obama, then go on to repeat them till the lie becomes an accepted truth. If there's any push back, it's met with outrage.

I'm still all about succession. Make another country, go already...