Monday, August 01, 2011

Understanding The Vote On The Debt Deal

According to what I am reading, Pelosi is holding the chips on the vote for the debt deal. Boehner will not be able to get the craziest wing of the GOP to vote yes. Therefor Democrats in Congress will be needed to vote this mess in. Pelosi is the key as she can allegedly gather the votes. The thinking is that she will find the votes because the risk of a market collapse is too great.

IBT: If Debt Deal Isn’t Ideal, Why Is It Up for a Vote?
The debt deal bill contains very little in terms of liberal policy priorities -- the chief of which being tax fairness. The bill doesn't even off tax reforms -- reforms that many conservatives favor, as well -- that would increase federal revenue, and further fight the deficit. In other words, it would be understandable if Pelosi protested.

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