Friday, February 19, 2010

TPMtv - Cut Social Security


Glynn Kalara said...

The Gopers HATE any entitlement programs that HELP ordinary Americans ( AKA losers). They LOVE however entitlement programs that help Oil companies, Military Industrial companies or Wall st.Banks and Health Ins. companies (winners). Those are not to be touched the rest are to be removed, including SS and Medicare. You losers are on your own!

Jim Sande said...

I know, the beef goes back to Roosevelt and hasn't even mildly subsided. I would be perfectly happy for an opt out of social security check box. These guys can check away. However since I've added to SSI for the past 43 years, I want to collect thank you very much.

Glynn Kalara said...

Armey ( perfect name for this PIG) wants to turn SS over to Wall st. where it know the drill!