Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is It Real

I have refrained from posting on Tiger Woods because, well, what's the point.

However the issue of sexual addiction is of interest.

The Woods story has drummed up relevant news articles on the topic of sexual addiction.

According to the Sacremento Bee article, the notion of sexual addiction is not completely accepted by mental health pros. Unfortunately I have not examined this issue enough to know if not accepted by all is the same as politicians not accepting the science of global warming. On the other hand, although it can obviously have dire consequences to the people surrounding the addict or if you prefer hypersexualized individual, this addiction is not going to be the substance that gets in the way of big oil or condemns the world to severe climate change.

But the point is well taken. Internet porn is everywhere. Its all accessible, as we know. One might suspect that the influence on our lives and our societies is still yet to be determined.

If we were multimillionaire handsome and athletically gifted 20 or 30 somethings, would we refuse Tiger's lifestyle choices.

Imagination is a great thing. Fantasy in my opinion is less interesting. Imagination is the home of the free.

Sacremento Bee: Psychologists disagree on whether sex addiction is real
"It's bad behavior, it's troublesome behavior, it gets people in a lot of trouble, but I can't say it forms to usual addictions."

On the other hand -

"What we're really addicted to is we're selfish and we're self-centered," he said. "We have to grow up and we have to care about other people."


Glynn Kalara said...

Its a westerm affliction particularly a US one. Other crimes like massive bank fraud where billions are stolen and millions suffer are rewarded, but having too much sex with women other then your wife must be punished. Yes, and we all know what is in rm. 101 don't we?

Jim Sande said...

Okay, I'm asking, what is in room 101?

Glynn Kalara said...

What's in rm. 101? It's the thing we all FEAR the most. Its of course a key reference and the central theme of Orwell's 1984. Nobody is allowed to escape facing that fear and its of course something even worse then DEATH.

Jim Sande said...

Okay I was thinking maybe it was that.