Wednesday, February 24, 2010

CNN - Bernie Sanders On Credit Card Interest Rates


Glynn Kalara said...

There is very little difference today between loan sharks and bankers that I can see. One BIG difference, loan sharks are vicious but not deceptive, they tell u exactly what will occur to u personally if u don't pay them, where as banks use deception and deceit to try and trick you. They don't however break your arm if you don't. They ruin your credit instead which can lead to the loan sharks and then the broken arm. So pay your debts you dead beat or were going to fucking break your arm one way or another. GET IT! snark snark sanrk!! ;)

Jim Sande said...

They don't call it predatory lending for nothing.

If you use a credit card make absolutely certain that you know what you are getting into. Also I hope all of us can get unplugged from them. I am almost there.

Glynn Kalara said...

I always told by kids that credit cards are really shovels and that you can find yourself in a very deep hole very quickly when using one.