Sunday, November 05, 2006

Rejection and distancing

The neo-conservative agenda and ideology is the foreign policy framework of the Bush Administration. Especially relevant to this are the twenty some odd individuals that Dick Cheney placed into the most elite positions of power in Washington DC with the election of 2000.

George Bush is notoriously disinterested in policy. It was Cheney who selected the neo-cons and positioned them accordingly. In the time of the first George Bush administration 1988-1992, the neo-cons were referred to as the "crazies." This nickname was assigned by Republicans within the first Bush administration.

At that time, the crazies were not to be allowed to rise above middle management positions as their policy ideas and ideologies were so extreme in nature as to be deleterious to America. This was the conventional thinking. They were not dismissed from power either because this move would have alienated the extreme right of the Republican base. I learned this bit of it from Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and the person who would bring daily national intelligence briefs to Presidents Nixon and Reagan.

At present the occupation of Iraq is drowning. It is clear to all observers particularly Republicans who are in severe reelection trouble. These Republicans are distancing themselves from Bush. They are aware that following Bush's stay the course is an albatross.

The neo-cons are the people that forged the idea of war in Iraq. This comes directly from their think tanks and policy analysis. They are driven by the notion of American dominance through military might. This view of the world is without any sense of human concern or cultural concern whatsoever. I have read the PNAC document in detail many times and there is nothing about it that speaks of human dignity in any sustained way.

It is with profound disgust that I now read excerpts from an upcoming Vanity Fair article in which neo-con Richard Perle and other neo-cons are ridiculing Bush on Iraq. They claim he is not competent enough to run their war policy.

Neocons blame Bush and regret the Iraq war!

As the Bush administration dismantles and unwinds further over the next two years, more revelations will come forth about the outright fabrications and lying that has brought this disaster on America. Simultaneously there will be concerted efforts made to prevent this information from reaching the ears of the American public. You can safely bet on that.

The Beatles Strawberry Fields Forever

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