Friday, August 23, 2024

Brian Tyler Cohen - LOL - JD Vance Goes Viral For The Worst Reason


Mark said...

"JD Vance breaks the internet with BRUTALLY awkward moment"

I'm not a fan, I'm not even sympathetic to this guy, but there's nothing "brutally awkward" about donut shop video this to me. It's merely an awkward guy (who just happens to be running for VP) being awkward. He's out of his element, someone who rarely if ever shops for himself or socializes with "people unlike him". But those who experience this as a "break the internet moment on a brutal level" are merely confirming biases. As in: "I knew it - this guy IS a jerk!"

Feeding fuel to our personal fires feels warm and safe - I certainly do it daily.
I may not be the choir they are preaching to, but if I am to be 'influenced' on the YouTube, I need something a little more thoughtful.

Jim Sande said...

I hear you. In my mind the idea is to mock these people at every possible chance. This is a big aspect of Meidas Touch and Brian Tyler Cohen. Ridicule (and by the way that was a great movie in case you haven't seen it) is a very powerful weapon against a narcissist. Narcissists like Trump and Vance react very strongly to ridicule. Trump can't handle it at all and he lashes out in more and more insane ways when it happens, and make no mistake that was a big part of the convention. The Democrats learned the lesson and know that mocking Trump and being on the offense about it, is a very powerful weapon, possibly the most powerful weapon in taking down Trump. Mocking Vance is a bonus type of ridicule. The idea is to make him look out of touch with normalcy, which he is. Contrast that to Walz. Walz is the guy who stops in the street and pets your dog and gives the dog a biscuit. Vance exists in some conservative heavenly realm, parsing the nature of conservative reality with the intent of remaking the world into a conservative heavenly realm, where white men dictate everything to a subservient everyone else. That's Project 2025 in a nutshell.

Mark said...

I agree with everything you say when taken in the current context of the upcoming election. Mocking, ridiculing, going on the offensive is essential to beat T**mp.

I have personally found being adversarial is counter productive with the narcissists in my life. So I guess I'm projecting my wishes for guys like BTC and influencers who are trying to make a living. I want to see more messages that promote "can't we all just get along, we are more alike than different", etc., but this is the not the place to look for it.
My bad :(

Jim Sande said...

Ridicule is a specific kind of being adversarial IMO. Actually there has been some of that reaching out. That was a part of the convention in getting Republicans up there who have had it with Trump and trying to convert the echo chamber bound. We have to remember that maga wants to quite literally kill people, not all magas, but enough to make it difficult. More than likely we have not heard about all the incidents of violence that magas have perpetrated in America. We're talking assaults. property damage, abusive language, probably a few murders. Just ask Nancy Pelosi about that one, and this isn't even including all the death threats. I've gotten death threats, me, and what the f do I do for that? Maga world is mentally bound to the maga echo chamber. It's a steady 24/7 diet of distortion, hatred, nonsense, conspiracy theories, and outrage. That stuff is addictive for these people and Trump is their god, some x-tians think he's is god or Jesus. It's a cult, that mindset does not get cracked with Kumbaya.

Mark said...

Yes, there was plenty of inclusiveness at DNC that was downright inspiring. It's a good fit at a time where it might be finally accepted as righteous instead of wussy.

Your words read 'deep in the weeds' to me and my wish for you is that you stay light - not falling prey to some version of what is "addictive for those people". Because those people - to varying degrees - are us.

Jim Sande said...

It's a beliefs based on information battle Mark. The essential realm for all of this is the mind. People's minds are the issue. This is why you could have a gay black man who is a maga person. It's not about appearances, its about what is going on in someone's mind. You could take two perfectly innocent looking people, side by side, and then later find out one is a brilliant scientist and the other is a mass murderer. We've had this debate, they are us. Ultimately they are in that ultimate perspective. In the relative world, not so much. They may want to kill us. Knowing they are us does not help in that situation.

Mark said...

If I experienced death threats as you have, I'd probably be in a different mind set. It does feels like I'm talking past you and I'm sorry for that.

Of course I agree that having some semblance of empathy for 'the other' as in "they are us" is not helpful, and may be harmful if they want to kill us.