I was wrong. My belief that Biden dropping out would be a nail in the Democrats chances in November was off the mark. Biden, at this point, appears to have enacted a masterful touch. He waited till after the MAGA Convention, then he passed the torch to Kamala Harris. He endorsed her and set in motion the energy to get her elected, amass a lot of money, and be successful. It was a plan. How successful will it be, like you, I wish I knew. The initial returns are not just positive but extremely positive, jaw dropping. She's leading in a few recent polls as well.
The Trump people were utterly unprepared for this shift and have settled on racist tropes as a weapon to deflate her. It's not the brightest move. There are other minor idiotic maneuvers like wanting to impeach Kamala, and that is absurd. They are attempting to throw confusion into the transference of campaign money and the legality of it all, but this is all pointless, and like many of Trump's activities it's an empty act designed more to appease his cult. We call it throwing red meat to the cult. It keeps those people happy but it has no value outside of that arena.
Right now, she could win, I think she will win. Why not be very positive about it. This is a real possibility. I suspect she gets another polling bump after the Democratic Convention. Then, she needs to ride it, and enlarge it up till election day. But be prepared, Trump is trying his damnedest to stay out of prison and he will enact any method he can think of to throw water on a Kamala victory in November. Her victory would also represents a life sentence in prison for Trump and he will put every ounce of vitriol that he has into avoiding and destroying that situation.
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