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Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Washington Post: Colleges braced for antisemitism and violence. It’s happening. ‘I have Jewish blood on my hands,’ a Tulane student said after aiding a classmate who was assaulted at a pro-Palestinian rally By Jack Stripling

Jewish students at Cooper Union in New York City sheltered in a library as pro-Palestinian demonstrators banged on the glass walls of the building. At a pro-Palestinian protest near Tulane University, at least two students were assaulted in a melee that began when someone tried to burn an Israeli flag. 


Glynn Kalara said...

Hamas slaughters 1400 people and that fires up the antisemitic bigots. Go figure? Oh and Jews aren't allowed to defend themselves?

Jim Sande said...

I do not like the antisemitic stuff I'm reading about. It's not good.