Monday, December 12, 2022

Reuters - U.S. To Announce Fusion Energy Breakthrough


Glynn Kalara said...

I've been waiting 60 yrs. for this to happen. I doubt it will really be good for Commerical uses until we start actively mining a needed key ingrediant, only available today on the moon He3.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I read the minimum is a decade and/or decades to go yet.

Glynn Kalara said...

Truth is we might never achieve sustainable Fusion on Earth that's commerically viable. It's no accident that it takes Mother nature huge amounts of gas and gravity to get a Fusion reaction going and even then the Universe is filled with failed Stars or brown dwarfs. Trying to do it with magnets or lasers so far hasn't really worked out very well after 60 yrs of trying and hundreds of billions of $$. It might someday but I'm not putting my $$ down on it. The second truth about Fusion is we already have a perfectly functioning fusion reactor 93 million miles away and we have the technology now to harness it here on earth and also the technology to store its output when it isn't shining.