Wednesday, December 14, 2022


  If you haven't read through some of the texts Republicans in the House and Senate sent to Meadows surrounding overturning the results of the 2020 election, please do so. Depravity, screwiness, amazing stupidity, and absolute loyalty to a scourge like Trump are on complete display. 

 The stock market is all over the place and shifting quickly. Just over the last hour it has moved from medium negative territory into medium positive territory, and it may very well move back into negative territory again. Who knows. I can't recall seeing such wide swings like this almost every day at least in recent years. 

 Looks like with Trump that the bloom is finally off the rose. He is losing favor with MAGA although as we know, the diehard Trump supporters remain. DeSantis is leading Trump poll-wise and we have two years to go before the presidential election. What an unpleasant period that's going to be.

 We still hear rumblings that Jack Smith is going to actually do something. All I know is that if Trump skates, that will be a travesty of justice, but it could very well happen. What gets me is that it is taking so long and that is a warning light in my mind. You or I would not get that benefit. We would be in jail and the key would be thrown away if we did half of what Trump did. 

 Speaking of ignorant, here comes the MAGA majority in Congress. Hold onto your hats because the inmates have been given the keys and control over the asylum. Vindictiveness, conspiracy lunacy, revenge, and punitive destruction will be the overriding policies. Nothing that benefits ordinary Americans will come out of that mess.

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