Friday, December 16, 2022

MSNBC - A Look At How The Ex-President Left America’s National Security Secrets Exposed


Glynn Kalara said...

It was a way he could hold onto some of the power he had as Pres. He doesn't give a crap about Nat'l Security never has. He told us in Finland when he met with Putin he trusted the Russian Secret Police more then our Intell. agencies. Trump was and is the real Manchurian Candidate. That he is still free is astounding to many of us.

Jim Sande said...

In his mind he is still the president, and he is in a type of delusional exile at Mar-a-Lago. He's quite crazy, I'm not sure how he functions as a human being. Apparently people do all the things he wants, stand when he comes in, call him Mr. President, swoon over him, applaud him all the time. He's an extremely troubled individual.