Monday, December 12, 2022

Kevin McCarthy - Election Denier

 The Bulwark: Should an Election Denier Be Speaker of the House? The Constitution matters more than Kevin McCarthy. By William Kristol and Jeffrey K. Tulis


Glynn Kalara said...

In 1860-61 numerous Congressfolk were tossed out of Congress for sedition and we should be doing that again to these folks that voted against Biden's certification and doing it after a blantant attempt the same day to stop the process while witnessing and participating in that coup. It amazes me NONE of them are in jail right now. Progressives and Liberals are weak and their weakness will destroy us in the end as much as the rightwings treachery.

Jim Sande said...

There you have it, the next Speaker of the House will be an election denier/seditionist. It drives me nuts.