Friday, December 09, 2022

BBC News - Russia Will Keep Attacking Ukraine's Energy Network, Says President Putin


Glynn Kalara said...

Russian agents are already starting to target ours as well. IMO, the attack in N.Carolina last week on the power grid was a test case. With the heavily armed right wing militias Putin is going to count on these people can easily create chaos here since our grid is completely unprotected.

Jim Sande said...

I wondered about that too. Maddow was saying that this tactic has been used before in the US by rightwing extremists. Putin is playing with fire. My thought is that Ukraine should target Russian grids, they were able to blow up a military base, why not go for a grid. I like the idea of the Russians getting a taste of their own medicine. Wonder if American military advisors have gone there too.

Glynn Kalara said...

Electricity is the life blood of modern societies and taking it away reduces the population to living back in a time before it existed. The problem is that people can't live well in modern cities without it. It's a weak link in our way of living.

Jim Sande said...

You got that right. This is partly why solar offers such potential.