Monday, November 28, 2022

Ignore Him - It's Time

 NY Times: If We Ignore Donald Trump, We Might See Who He Really Is By Patti Davis - Ms. Davis is an author and a daughter of President Ronald Reagan.

With each news story, each segment on television, we are giving him the elixir that keeps him going: attention.

What if there was a collective pledge among responsible news organizations to take Donald Trump off the front pages, to not talk about him every single day?


Mark said...

Oh my. Six years ago, I preached this idea to everyone who would listen.
When the bully stops getting attention, his power deflates. We don't have to enable.

The press could not look away in 2016 and can't - will not- look away now.

Jim Sande said...

The thing of it is, he stinks to high heaven now, even worse than in 2016.