Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 Looking through stories this morning two things really stand out for me. The first is the DOJ court filing to counter the Trump request for special oversight. The picture itself is damning. The question is, what the hell did Trump think he was doing. I've said all along that Trump would go to Mar-a-Lago and set up a pretend presidency. 

 The second standout for me is the fact that China is closing down its factory production because of a new Covid surge. Not to be an alarmist but haven't we seen this before. It was at the beginning of the pandemic when we were reading about a new disease spreading in China and before Covid had hit anywhere else.


Glynn Kalara said...

Hopefully, whatever Trump stole hasn't badly damaged Nat'l Security. He needs to pay for this in some manner. Oh No wait a minute Hunter Biden's laptop is the REAL Nat'l Security threat , right? That's going to be the GOPutin's defense for this nightmare.

Jim Sande said...

The GOP's main defense is always what-about-ism. It changes the conversation and deflects. In GOP world Hunter Biden's lap top is on par with nuking Hiroshima. These people are rabid.