Monday, September 27, 2021

Al Sharpton - Donald Trump's 'Fall From Grace' Accelerates Following 'Peril' Revelations


Glynn Kalara said...

Fall from Grace? When was he ever popular with the majority. Worldwide he's always been reviled and hated. His base still loves him. Hitler's surviving base still loves him. Don't believe me pull up the Netflix's documentary called Final Account. Cult's are incredibly hard to break up. The Catholic Church is 2000 yrs. old and really just a Cult built around a single man. Still going strong.

Jim Sande said...

Trump has lost some luster since he's left office and Peril is more of a nail in the coffin for those of us who already despise him. His base is a cult, they listen to this idiot lie about Arizona after his own asinine audit showed he lost, and they applaud like brainless robots. I am preparing for 2024, what to do. I could never live in a red state, never. I can't see America holding together if this ass pushes his way back into the presidency because states are gaming it for him.