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Tuesday, April 21, 2020


  Republican governors are banking on magical thinking. They want to re-open their states hoping that the virus is somehow or other all of a sudden not a problem because the death rate is not 200,000, so far, and is now 'only' running up to 50,000.

CNN: This Republican's logic on reopening the country is totally illogical Analysis by Chris Cillizza


Glynn Kalara said...

Magical thinking is the standard way of thinking in many parts of the Bible belt. Jesus gonna save them unless they be black or brown. When the nos. go north again in these places they'll just blame Hunter Biden or Hillary, Obama or some other scapegoat.

Jim Sande said...

I don't see how they avoid a complete catastrophe, the numbers are not improving yet. They've opted for starting up businesses over health and people's lives. This is the pro-life party too.