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Monday, October 21, 2019

Bloviating Conman And Fraud

1 comment:

Glynn Kalara said...

Anyone in AC NJ knew the same thing but Trumpf gambled correctly that the rest of the country only knew him from the phony reality series he ran where he portrays himself as the tough smart boss that fires everyone for no apparent reason. They loved that persona and they projected themselves onto it. It's the very role he plays today as President & as long as he stays to the script he can do no wrong as far as they're concerned. The rest of us know better but he and they don't care about us we've all been FIRED as far as they're concerned and LOSERS have nothing to add in Trumpworld. We first heard this refrain from Republicans as far back as the hotly disputed 2000 election where after stealing that election from Al Gore who also won the popular vote by 750K and would have won Fla. had Scalia not ended the voting arbitrarily that Dec. They all started with the SORELOSERMAN refrain against anyone that dared challenger BV$H's legitimacy. We hear that very refrain today from them.