Monday, July 01, 2019


NY Times: The Trump Fallacy - Despite what some of the president’s supporters think, you cannot celebrate his policies and ignore his poor behavior. By Greg Weiner - Mr. Weiner is a political scientist and was a senior Senate aide to Bob Kerrey, Democrat of Nebraska.
It is difficult to negotiate a domestic agenda with someone who lies not just about his poll numbers but also about whether the polls even exist. Foreign leaders are less likely to strike agreements with a head of state for whom words are fungible. The country’s invaluable moral authority abroad is undermined when the president attacks the press at home.


Glynn Kalara said...

He's dead wrong. I know many Trumpf voters and many of them don't give a shit about his bad behavior. In fact, they revel in it. The problem isn't just Trump. Even after he's gone we're going to have to deal with his base which is just as mentally ill as he is.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, and I still don't get it. The whole machiavellian win at any cost attitude is ugly, damaging, immoral, and it's just as you say, they don't care.

Glynn Kalara said...

Winning justifies everything in Trumpworld. The rule is "the end justifies the means" Its the only rule in that evil land.