Monday, June 24, 2019


The Atlantic: Republicans Don’t Understand Democrats—And Democrats Don’t Understand Republicans - A new study shows Americans have little understanding of their political adversaries—and education doesn’t help.


Glynn Kalara said...

Trumpfski and his Russian backed gang have rode in on two decades or more of Right-wing agitprop designed to destroy all even mildly leftist Institutions including democracy. It has disagreed with the American Project / movement toward increasing democracy for well over 100 yrs. now and wants a return to the State as it was in the late 19th Century during the Gilded era. It's a reactionary movement that wants a much more Authoritarian style leadership power to run American Gov't and Society, one that is decidely if not entirely White male and Christian. It views all the other groups in society, in particular women and children as to be seen only not heard. It also sees all other racial, ethnic and religious groups that are non-white and non-Christian as second class citizens at best and if possible slaves at worst. It is aligned with other such National and quasi-Fascist movements Worldwide today. V. Putin being the Int'l leader of this movement and Trump being his willing puppet and student.

Jim Sande said...

The article doesn't get into any of this, which is the most salient point.