Monday, March 25, 2019

MSNBC - Joe - If There Was No Collusion, Why Did Trump And Associates Lie About Russia?


Glynn Kalara said...

Who said there was NO Collision? All Barr said there was none provable with the RUSSIAN Government. Did anyone expect a written contract or endless meetings although at least a few were revealed? The Barr summation of the full Mueller report just doesn't add up. I think we need to see the full report. Barr was hired to clean this mess up and a four-page summary doesn't do that it just raises even more questions. Let Trumpski and his allies take a victory lap if they most. But. let's not let the ball drop here. Trump is still under investigation in 17 other venues. This is not near being over.

Jim Sande said...

I'm watching the news now and it's being revealed that Mueller told Barr three weeks ago that he would not reach a conclusion on obstruction. That means Trump has known all this time what the deal is and he has been feigning phony outrage to gin up his rabid base. Also it means that Barr has had plenty of time to figure out how to write his four page book report. It's almost like being in high school and plagiarizing the book report.