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Monday, July 30, 2018

We'll See

Salon: Tipping point for Donald Trump: Will his (alleged) crimes finally drive away his supporters? Donald Trump’s supporters will never admit they were wrong. But they may soon be too embarrassed to defend him by Amanda Marcotte


Glynn Kalara said...

If we hold our breath waiting for his LYNCH MOB to admit they are LOL embarrassed by him that's just another liberal fantasy. Look, he's delivering for THEM just by putting a stick in our eye. They HATE what he hates US so we need to just get over looking for them to change. Obama spent eight years trying to get these same people to like him or respect him the result is staring us in the face daily. TrumPutin and his following are a bunch of REACTIONARIES and in many cases they are also a rabid pack of White Supremacists. Let's move on and drown them in a huge turnout this fall. They ONLY understand RAW power and right now we have very little of it beyond our numbers.

Jim Sande said...

It is possible that Trump's house of cards really crumples, and this could happen soon. He's twisting like a fig leaf in a hurricane right now. I doubt this will affect his rabid base which I bet is around 50% of the GOP give or take. The other 50% will be doing some serious grieving.