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Friday, November 24, 2017

Rachel Maddow - Trump SoHo Hotel Owner Pays Trumps To Leave As Business Flounders


Glynn Kalara said...

Trumpf's business failure litter the landscape. Here in AC his pal Carl Ichann (AKA I-CON) is preparing to tear down Trumpf Plaza in center city as it is rotting away after standing empty and failed for 5 yrs. Trumpf left all his AC properties bankrupt looted from the inside. Remember the ALIEN fetuses, in the movie ALIEN how they literally ate their hosts to get out of their bodies. That's Trumpf's business plan and his investors are the body he eats. America is now that body.

Jim Sande said...

That's a good analogy. I get that, we are seeing it, it starts with the huge violation of the emoluments clause and spreads out.