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Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Science Daily: Worldwide increase in methane bubbles due to climate change
summary - Due to climate change, including rising temperatures, more and more methane is bubbling up from lakes, ponds, rivers and wetlands throughout the world. The release of methane -- a potent greenhouse gas -- leads to a further increase in temperature, thus creating a positive feedback loop (also known as a 'vicious circle').


Glynn Kalara said...

The really scary Methane are the huge deposits of Methane clathrates ( frozen methane) on the sea bottoms worldwide and some portion is in rapidly warming shallow water off of Russian Siberia in the Arctic sea. Reports over the last few years indicate huge areas of these deposits are starting to melt and release large amounts of methane gas directly into the atmosphere. It's believed that rapid warmings in the past were caused by massive Methane releases. It's highly likely such an event or events are not too far ahead as more of these positive feedback loops or as you called them vicious circles kick in. As this happens and its happening now we will find ourselves in a rapidly changing situation where chaos and destabilizing events will become the norm.

Jim Sande said...

It's all too clear that what you describe is the present reality. When I think about this issue right now, I think about the pig headed-ness of Americans, especially the people that would go for Trump. Trump being the anti-environmental president. It's that thick headed, pig headed already know it all, or god will take of it, or it's just not there attitude that is America's downfall. It's not until it's smack them right in the face that the light shines in and unfortuantely we all have to take the same bus.