Friday, November 24, 2017


NY Times: Bridging the Canyon Across the Holiday Table by Timothy Egan
But here’s one bright spot in the Divided States of Trump: In a strange way, he has also brought many of us together. Trump brings out the worst in his supporters, dragging them down to his adult day care center. By contrast, his opponents have become more inclusive. Because he is so singularly coarse and vulgar, so ill informed and small-minded, he has made people see the better side of those they had long written off.


Glynn Kalara said...

No real problem at our Holiday table. Only one near miss as a GOP sister-in-law goes off for a few mins. about some tax rant thing and the rest of us just stare at her and move on. The context of her sudden rant was over the use of Narcan to save the lives of addicts. She was furious over having to pay for this service and felt the addicts should just die to save us all money. This is from a woman who calls herself pro-Life no less. Nobody though confronted her with that and we just moved the conversation on past her rant taking it for granted and not worth countering.

Jim Sande said...

Nice, you guys know how to let it go and then move on. It's something the way the pro-lifers are also pro death penalty and anything else that moves poor people into greater states of difficulty. If she was truly concerned about addiction and how 'her' money is spent, maybe she might invest the energy in understanding drug trade and how it gets here in the first place. She'd probably then go on about the need for the Mexico wall. You can't win with these guys. It's a pointless activity. That's why it's best to move on.