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Monday, December 14, 2015

Keys As Florida Keys flood, property worries seep in
Extreme high tides have turned streets into canal-like swamps in the Florida Keys, with armies of mosquitoes and the stench of stagnating water filling the air, and residents worried rising sea levels will put a damper on property values in the island chain.


Glynn Kalara said...

Sea levels began their unstoppable rise again back in the late 1880's. Since then they've already come up over a foot depending on where you live along the coast. This however, is just the start, as the planet heats the Oceans will expand and the ice caps will melt. In the last inter-glacial which was 125K yrs. ago ( the Eemeian epoch) the Ocean was 60+ feet higher then it is today. Fla. back then was mostly underwater and was a reef. Most of Fla's coastal cities now sit on top of that old reef today. In another couple hundred yrs. it will be mostly underwater again.

Jim Sande said...

It strikes me that this ought to be national headlines but it's not, of course. Just get used to it, strikes me that the water sagas are increasing.