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Saturday, July 18, 2015


  Rick Perry described Trump's McCain remarks as a new low in American politics. Rick are you serious, are you kidding, this doesn't rise to the level of an averted mosquito bite in American politics.

  A new low in American politics - try cooking a deal with Vietnam during the Vietnam War to win a Presidential election like Nixon, or like Reagan cooking a deal with Iran during the hostage crisis to win a presidential election, or like GW Bush/Cheney relentlessly lying to the American public about nuclear WMD and 9-11 connections to go into Iraq. Now that's how it's done in America Rick. That's how it's done good old boy.

  Trump is simply being Trump. Trump shoots back at criticism with harder criticism. Hit Trump with a dart, he hits back with a bazooka, etc etc etc times a billion.

  You knew Trump's massive ego dominated head would swell so large that he actually believes he can say anything, especially with his alleged polling advantage. And mind you that polling advantage is among, what 4% of the craziest edge of the entire voting electorate. These GOP guys are bigger idiots than Trump, all you have to do is wait for Trump to start shooting himself, first in the foot and then onto the other parts, billions of them. If there was ever a perfect self destruct candidate, it's Trump.

NYT: Trump Belittles McCain’s War Record

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