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Friday, July 17, 2015

TRNN - The 'Real' Climate Hoax Is Not The One Claimed By Big Business


Glynn Kalara said...

Not in defense of Exxon , but really did anyone else in the scientific community sound the alarm on Climate change back in 1981. Not that I can remember. It wasn't till Dr. Hansen got up in front of Congress in 1988 that clear warning by a major scientist ( him) was made to Congress. That's where the modern Climate movement had its start as I recall. Even then it wasn't really taken seriously until Gore's documentary in 2004. That's when the media really started to mention the topic on the front page. It's also when the Fossil energy Barons started their multi -million $$ campaign of disinfo , bribery etc. in a desperate attempt to stall any action on this issue. They have done just that in the US. That's basically where the battle lines are now on this topic. The levels of CO2 are rising at 2 ppm a yr. Nature doesn't care about how much money these greedy idiots spend. We will all pay the price in the end for their greed and their lies.

Jim Sande said...

The thing that got me is the disinfo campaigns. We know how this is done, repeat the lie over and over and over. We are paying the price and the price is going to get steeper for a long time. I happen to live in an area that has water and eventually Florida like temperatures. That probably is about as good as it will get. I expect there will be large immigrations over many years as people seek out water and liveable temperatures. I think where I live will probably become more populated over time as well. If we keep adding the ppms each year I suspect parts of the planet will not be habitable. People can't live in extreme heat without cooling and protection. I think in the past I've read that 135F is the upper range. We're hitting 120 F in India this year.