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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The President Of Baby Land

Guardian UK: Trump remains in poll position despite comments on John McCain's service - First survey partially conducted after candidate’s ‘war hero’ remarks finds little change in support – perhaps unsurprising given what backers love about him
In the Fox News poll, 70% of Republicans thought that Trump’s controversial comments on Mexico – saying the country was “sending people that have lots of problems ... They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists” – were basically right.


Glynn Kalara said...

I think what were seeing mirrored here is the tremendous pressure the population is under these days. The economy sucks the environment is rapidly going to hell and people , some of them are looking around for scapegoats. Trump knows this and is channeling this anger. Its scary.

Jim Sande said...

He's an emotional midget of the worst type. You see this guy as a young person, told how special and wonderful and superior he is in relation to everyone else. He hasn't grown an inch off that spot. As a 60 something year old he literally still thinks his shit doesn't stink. He reminds me of Mussolini with his smirking jaw. You know, if he gets on the ballot, I will pull the lever for him because if he gets that far, the country deserves it. And yes, he is very dangerous. Just look between the lines of what he is announcing. You don't even have to look between the lines, look at the lines on their own.