Wednesday, April 03, 2013


PHL: The Habitable Exoplanets Catalogue


Glynn Kalara said...

Very interesting. At the rate we're turning this place into a hot terran planet were going to need a new warm one and so this search is now taking on a more serious some might even say say desperate tone to it.

Jim Sande said...

I hope somebody makes it and gets there.

Glynn Kalara said...

Our ability to even find these places is expanding daily. The next generation of space telescopes I understand will have the ability to actually see these places and taste their atmospheres! Getting there is another whole can of worms. I'm sure a mil. yrs. ago our ancestors stood at the edge of the great Ocean and wondered what was on the other side. They managed to figure out more then a few ways to get across them then and we will manage the same thing now. If we don't go go extinct first.