Saturday, February 02, 2013

Al Jazeera - US 'Motor City' Undergoes Economic Revival


Glynn Kalara said...

Wait a min. didn't he say that the pop. had crashed to 700K from a high of 2 Mil.? I guess when it gets down to 70K that means it will come back even faster or maybe even better 7K. This is bullshit, I know folks from Detroit and they tell me for 90% of the remaining residents the place say it's an urban nightmare with a few hipsters and Corp. cheerleaders making like some big revival is going on. It's NOT. People for the most part of just hanging on because they get food stamps and SSI or some other Gov't payment. No jobs exist except for the 5 you saw in that short and they are probably already gone. The same exact thing is going on just about everywhere, except around State Capitols and DC. There the economies are healthy for now because of Fed. and State employees with 'REAL" jobs that pay decent wages are semi-secure and even still have defined pension plans. However, how long will that last if everyone outside these Gov't zones are out of work or working for Wal-Mart for starvation wages? Think what happened to the Ex.Soviet Union cause if you don't think that can't happen here think again. The Corp. owned MSM lies and hides the real economic and social disaster out here. The UI nos. are a pack of lies UI in America is really still at Depression level nos.

Jim Sande said...

Detroit has always been of interest for me, and I read about it, look at photos etc. In a way it's strikes me as a very scary place with high crime and this infrastructure ghost town from it's heyday of decades ago. It could be that this is a type of promo clip designed to do some positive p.r. or perhaps it's a favor, produced to return a favor or something. Who knows. I just know that when Detroit appears in the headline I'm attracted to the article. But what you say is very on the money, particularly about the present work centers and how America is presently functioning.

Glynn Kalara said...

A few of the bigger cities like San Fran./Marin County, NYC ( parts of it anyway), DC, and a few more are doing ok. Most are struggling though. The country is in deep shit and nobody in any Gov't at any level seems to care of have a clue. Quite the opposite, I look at the utter devastation FEMA of all agencies is wreaking in my community with it's mandates and maps and regs. after a major disaster and you wonder WTF is wrong with these retards? What's wrong is they're full of the power of their positions, the perks, the limos and the opportunities that come to you once your part of the "inside" crowd. Then all you need to do is make damn sure nothing and nobody gets in your way to keeping it all and even getting more.