Thursday, November 01, 2012


Reuters: Jobless claims fall; NJ, DC estimated due to storm


Glynn Kalara said...

Reporting live from the where the eye of Hurricane Sandy made landfall Atlantic City NJ. First off do not believe what the Nat'l & Int'lly media is saying about the level of storm damage here in AC it's false. Most of the damage here is from flooding from our bays Very little wind damage. The Derecho caused much more wind damage in an he. Last June. This was a nasty cat 1 Hurricane that brought heavy rainfall with it. The eye came right over us and winked. We were spared any major damage & we had no flood damage. This was NOT some Super storm by. HURRICANE standards. It was not a Katrina level storm. The infrastructure along the coast is resilient and has gotten more so over many decades of major storms.

Jim Sande said...

GK we are glad you are in one piece. I was thinking about you guys and wondering what happened. I'm thinking Absecon is about knee deep in sand. Consider writing up a piece and I'll post it here. I'm glad you're back and safe, and I'm glad you were spared major damage. Was this because of your location or perhaps elevation of the house? What about your neighbors? What's it going to take to get it back in operation? Are people doing okay or are they pretty freaked?

Glynn Kalara said...

The worst of this is happening as people who evacuated come home to find that the two storm tides filled their basement or there 1st floor. Minimal wind damage, some trees down and some shingles off. A few homes that were built in highly dangerous beachfront locations on an Inlet area got wiped out. These folks were told long ago it wasn't if they'd get wiped out but when. When just happened. This was not a Superstorm it came on the beach as a traditional Hurricane not some FRankenstorm. The Jet stream just juiced it up and the blocking high over the North Atlantic blocked it's rapid exit west. It actually did what Hurricanes in this latitude do this time of yr. it sped up the minute it crossed from the warm Gulf Stream over into the cold Labrador current ( 100 miles out) and in this case hit us instead of jetting off to England. The media shows all the absolutely worst pics it can find. We'll make a quick recovery.

Jim Sande said...

Quick recovery, that is fantastic! From what you are saying it sounds like folks in your area are very familiar with hurricane activity and its different faces and know what's what. Also its good to get news from the source.