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Sunday, May 27, 2012


Good morning. At 10 a.m. it is 68 degrees and mostly sunny here in Upstate NY. This is occurring in spite of the weather logos that show rain, rain, and more rain today and over the next several days.

It is a pleasant holiday weekend to say the least. Yours truly has been spending more time than usual outdoors. I am finding the outdoors to be the water for the dry sponge, it appeals on many levels.

I might add that the weekend has brought us back to juicing, the juicer is out and prominent in the kitchen. We are going through carrots and apples by the bag.

Holidays are always a good tome to recoup the body and mind, so I am trying to stay clear of too much godawful news. One almost needs to be massively 'braced' in order to read today's headlines. Let's give it a brief rest.

Enjoy your day.

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