Monday, March 05, 2012


Live Science: Entire Month's Worth of Tornadoes Strike in One Day


Glynn Kalara said...

The right to privacy established by the landmark Griswold vs. The State of Conn. SCOTUS ruling back in 1965, which ironically was about the people's right to own, use and transport contraceptives, is ultimtely and desperately what the right wants over turned. That ruling in they're view opened the door to almost all the rest of the rights they hate so much, abortion, gay marriage etc.. It's astounding that with all their ranting about freedom and individual rights, its this magnificent ruling which expanded human liberty so much is they're target. I believe its because they hold a very narrow view of what freedom and liberty are about, to them its all about either the rights of the wealthy to do as they please with their money or the rights of the STATE and the CHURCH to rule our private lives and bodies. In other words the rights of the PTB to own us and do with as they please, when they please. Most of us have few rights in this view. Push is coming to shove soon with these pricks and its going to be very ugly when it does. The last time over 600K of us died securing the basic human rights of a small segment of us. next time its going to be over the rights of the majority 51%
( women.)

Jim Sande said...

Fascinating, and thanks for taking the time to explain. I did not know about Griswold vs Connecticut and it makes complete sense. Your description of what they believe freedom is, also makes sense. Even though it is the same language democratically minded people and authoritarians have different meanings and even beliefs for the same words.

Glynn Kalara said...

Just realized I answered the wrong article. Oh well.

Yes, the right's definitions of freedom and liberty are not the same as the left's. When they speak of freedom its generally freedom from anyone restricting their right to exploit resources out here, both natural and human. This is why they hate Unions and environmentalist. On the other hand they see religious, cultural and social liberty as ONLY for their groups not anyone else. So when Rick Santorum rages on about contraception and abortion, these topics are part of a far greater world-view that he wants to impose on everyone as the legal and societal "norm." He's a reactionary not a conservative. Rick wants to turn things back to the way things were in 12th century Europe. He basically sees himself as a Medieval knight and Lord protector of the Holy Roman Church. He's hell-bent on returning us to some kind of Neo-feudal society with strict class divisions and a rigorous religious ( Christian) State on top of all of it. In short, he's a theocrat.

Jim Sande said...

You know its interesting that you write - "...freedom from anyone restricting their right to exploit resources out here, both natural and human."

It occurred to me the other day that this is how the stock market works. It's related. The stock market always gains great steam when there is an indication of any productivity that means profits. So whenever there is anything that remotely sounds like "sustainability" Wall Street crumbles. Their model is about a ruthless exploitation of resources without any concern for long term consequences. Now you might think well of course this is old news. But the serious point is that this is the basis of our economy, no how much we like to smooth it over or massage it this way or that. Its all about exploitation of resources be they people or materials or ideas, and then burning through them. When one sector is burned out as oil will eventually be burned through, then something else comes along that is exploited to the fastest conclusion without any concerns for prolonging usage or "recycling" or "managing."

Fundamentally what I am saying is that this message and way of doing business that you are describing with Santorum and the GOTP is that model for our economy.