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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Christie And Koch

The radical right is in a draft Christie mode. He seems like the person who will soon emerge to run against Obama. It would be a wise choice for the Tea Party considering he is wedged in the Northeast and would possibly disrupt voting penchants in the area.

Considering how the trend of the country is going in terms of limiting and suppressing unions, removing corporate regulations, and juicing the economy to pay huge profits to the elite rich, (Christie loves Reagan and Reagan loved trickle up) he's perfect. He will do an excellent job of continuing the hollowing out of the American middle class and reducing America, minus corporate America of course, to a third world impoverished infected country.

AlterNet: Why the Kochs Want to Make Chris Christie President
...New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie made a pilgrimage in June to a Colorado gathering of wealthy right-wing donors convened by billionaires Charles and David Koch...

In one fell swoop, Christie compared a labor union representing federal workers to the Evil Empire and a terrorist state. And in citing Reagan's firing of the air traffic controllers, Christie surely meant an implicit comparison to the layoffs of thousands of New Jersey teachers whose school districts failed to implement the contract changes demanded by Christie.

"That's the first thing you need to do. Because dysfunctional governments are like the wet blanket on top of free enterprise and opportunity. Because all they do is layer regulation and taxes and burdens on all those people who just wanted opportunities to use their God-given gifts and their ambition and their vision to try to improve their lives and through that, improve the lives of other people."

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