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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Conflicts of Interest

In July of 2003, Tom Delay toured Israel. Before the Israeli Knesset he gave a speach titled "Be Not Afraid."

In the speech Delay talks of the threat of terrorism, eliminating terrorism, the right to eliminate terrorism, the support from the US of Israel to eliminate terrorism, and such. The speech is filled with a lot of references that are familiar to the Israelis. He used terminology and phrases that would create a sense of bond or brotherhood between himself and his audience. It is a speech that is supportive of the direction of the Knesset in confronting terrorism. There are references to Hezbollah as well. Its a remarkable speech, well crafted and politically charging and rousing.

Recall that Delay is a born again Christian. In one sense as House Majority Leader, he was the voice of the the Christian Right or at the very least one of its major political voices. As such, he reinforced a bond between Knesset and the Christian Right. A bond that would bring like minded right wing thinkers in agreement as evidenced by this speech.

Jump to the present. Israel is far along in its war with Lebanon and Hezbollah. At this time Israel is bombing parts of Beirut that are Christian. The majority of people living in these areas are Christians and not Moslems and not part of Hezbollah.article

I want to point out that one would think there would be an outcry coming from leaders of the Christian Right in America about Israel's latest bombing in Beirut. I haven't seen that yet in the form of an article or news item. I would think that there would be a solidarity among Christians of the world. With a solidarity established between the Christian Right of America and the Knesset, there would appear to be a major conflict in values for the Christian Right at this time.

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