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Monday, April 15, 2024

Phonemic Aphasia

 If you've listened to Trump lately you know that he is suffering from a form of dementia. He aims for a word and misses. For example he recently said weak-nick instead of weak-ness, and he's doing this more frequently. Trump is in trouble in more ways than one.



Mark said...

There were thousands of these moments in 2016 that the voting public ignored or didn’t care about.
They are noticeably worse now for those of us that care to notice or care at all.
You’ll have to convince a significant number of those 70+ million ready to vote him back in that any of this is enough to abandon the tribe.

Jim Sande said...

I can't convince anyone. Voting for Trump is a belief system that can't be changed by you or me unfortunately. Still, it doesn't mean that he is fine, he isn't. His decline is more rapid now. There's a lot of magical thinking in Trump world, they look at Trump and see Jesus, we look at Trump and see a con man high on sociopathic narcissism. That's America. The energy behind Trump is far more powerful than Trump himself, MAGa is the force and Trump is the puppet suffering through Aphasia.

Mark said...

I agree 100% with your assessment.
I disagree with the Shallow State belief “elongated drivels that can’t be ignored”. Eight years of ignoring drivel will not stop overnight.