Saturday, July 09, 2016


Politico: GOP rips Obama after Dallas
(Ben Carson on FOX News) - "Now is the time to use logic and ask ourselves, why do we have a Constitution? Why do we have a Second Amendment? They’re always saying you don't need a high-powered weapon to hunt deer. The Constitution is not about deer hunting. It's about people being able to defend themselves from an overly aggressive government or an external invasion."


Glynn Kalara said...

Ben Carson as usual gets it backassward. The problem is exactly the opposite. By allowing the public to have easier and easier access to these kinds of weapons in a largely unregulated manner we are seeing an escalating level of mass violence occur. The truth is as you said there is the unwritten rules here. Not all gun owners are equal. A black man with a gun even a legal gun is putting himself in mortal danger under many circumstances. That's pretty obvious now, as for the flipside, yes because of this going forward the police themselves will find that increasingly elements of the black and Latino communities are going to respond and as wrong as it is it's just going to happen. My guess is this will just make the police even more paranoid about black males with guns of any type and make them even more prone to shoot first and ask ?? later. The central fact here is guns and who has them isn't it. Cops always have guns it's a job requirement, it's not necessary though for the entire civil and pop. to have them is it? Just look at the figs. as proof. In Japan and the UK where owning guns is almost impossible there is almost NO gun violence or very little. Here it's a War of sorts.

Jim Sande said...

Exactly exactly. I was talking with a retired nun recently. She is in her 80s, I think. I said to her - this Dallas shooting is like the 60s with the racial violence and such. Even this nun had a handle on it. She said to me, oh it's much worse than the 60s because now we have these rapid fire assault weapons out there. She gets it. This is on the head of the NRA as far as I'm concerned, it's on the head of NRA complicit GOPers who have pushed open carry laws and these bizarre self defense wild west laws. They want to promote guns but the fine print says - yes more guns please but only to white males who are apparently the good guys. How about this - we start up regular gun duels on Main Street, say every Saturday. Bring down the family and let neighbors duel each other to the death - quick draw from a holster or AK's if you prefer.