Saturday, July 09, 2016

Global Warming - The Arctic

  I did the calculation, 525,000 square miles is equal to a land mass slightly less than 750 miles wide and 750 miles long. Roughly speaking, that is an area equal to 10 New York States. In other words take the entire land mass of New York State and repeat it 10 times. This is the area we are talking about here. The entire land mass of New England in comparison is 72,000 square miles.

Climate Central: Arctic Sea Ice Crashes to Record Low for June
And it was 525,000 square miles below the 1981-2010 long-term average, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.


Glynn Kalara said...

Yes, were heading for an Ice free Arctic at some pt. for the 1st time in millions of years, it has enormous consequences going forward for all of us.

Jim Sande said...

Yet for the GOP, this is not evidence something is wrong. This is only nature coincidentally reacting to 2016 because climates do change. unfortunately nature does not have a simple megaphone dangling in the air that says, wake the f**k up, because that is the level of obviousness and directness that the GOP seems to require.