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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Global Warming - Record Heat

  This week the MSM seems to be coalescing around the fact that humans are responsible for global warming. Hopefully the trend continues minus the usual suspects - The Daily Caller, etc etc.

Time: Record Heat Wouldn’t Be Happening Without Human Influence, Study Says


Glynn Kalara said...

The frog in the boiling water is now awaking to the fact he's being boiled alive. Sadly, he's also found out that his legs are already paralyzed so he can't get out and is going to be cooked anyway.

Jim Sande said...

There seems to be a lot more push against the deniers recently. The upcoming election is another referendum on global warming different from others in that global warming is more front and center. But we have the CO2 baked in for a century. I mean in January here we usually get two solid weeks of frigid temps, 10 degrees and down. This January 2016, it's been very mild. Today it's in the 40s and I 'm walking around in a down vest, light gloves, and I'm comfortable.