Saturday, July 09, 2016

Why We Don't Mix

  Fascinating - the political divide partly explained and how people are actually moving to areas where they find common political ground.

Science Daily: Why Clinton and Trump backers don't mix
summary - Living around people with opposing political viewpoints affects your ability to form close relationships and accept other perspectives -- and may even change your personality, finds an American national study.


Glynn Kalara said...

It's causing splits in my family as I write. Some of my brothers and sisters and brother and sister in laws don't speak with me and my wife anymore because of our political differences sorry to say. :( Imagine, that's how ugly this is going to be this year and the hang over might go on for a long time. I've seen it coming though for yrs. as they watched FOX and got their daily dose of reality from Bill O REALLY and RUSH LOUDMOUTH etc et. al. I've tried to be a live and let live liberal about it ( agree to disagree etc. , but they see this attitude as PC and soft headed etc. or WEAK.) They don't get that using such terms to our face is a character level indictment and is rude, disrespful and hostile. They don't seem to care. So, the result is separation and cool relations in the short, God knows what it will mean in the future?

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I have that as well. I blocked and ended a friendship with an old high school classmate, someone I've known for almost 50 years! This guy started getting abusive as well - I'm full of shit, a bullshit artist, I don't know anything, I drink the Koolaid, etc. The problem is we are older. Do we have time for abusive people? If you can handle it, yes, if it turns sour and goes worse, no. It's better to call them in a few years than to get all angry and roaring. But if you can let it roll off, it is only words, it is offensive as hell though. The problem is we are entering into the arena where it is now a form of abuse, it is no longer anything close to political discourse. Trump ramped that up like nobody's business. This is the main reason why Trump is so ugly. He has divided the country like nobody else.