Friday, July 08, 2016

The Fall Out

Politico: Insiders: Hillary's not out of the woods yet on emails - 'This is not a win,' said an Iowa Democrat. 'Comey eviscerated all the excuses for Hillary and her team’s behaviors.' By Steven Shepard
“The only upside is that just about anything Trump says right now is exponentially worse. His latest anti-Semitic dustup, alongside his praise of Saddam Hussein, are just the latest in a litany of poor choices.”


Glynn Kalara said...

HRC is what she is. Her and Bill have little more respect for the law then the GOP does. This is how the elites think and now they don't even care whose watching. She's lucky she drew someone like tRump to run against.

Jim Sande said...

It's true she did luck out, Trump has been head shaking awful. He draws endless attention to himself with his clown statements and this week of all week's he doubled down on the clown part.