Wednesday, July 13, 2016


NY Times: For Whites Sensing Decline, Donald Trump Unleashes Words of Resistance By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE
The resentment among whites feels both old and distinctly of this moment. It is shaped by the reality of demographic change, by a decade and a half of war in the Middle East, and by unease with the newly confident and confrontational activism of young blacks furious over police violence. It is mingled with patriotism, pride, fear and a sense that an America without them at its center is not really America anymore.


Glynn Kalara said...

The nostalgia ticket of D. Trump has been captured by some pretty ugly forces on the far right. Steeped in the idea of racial and religious privilege these forces point the way back to a time that might have seemed like a Nirvana for these folks , but was hell for a lot of others. We've seen how reactionary forces within the GOP have been trying to roll back voting rights, campaign finance laws, Environmental rules and laws, abortion and LGBBT rights. They want America circa 1847. If they keep it up it's more likely they'll end up in 1861 instead.

Jim Sande said...

Who would have imagined that at this point in time after all the adverse history we have all lived through, that the country is this deeply divided and confused.