Monday, July 11, 2016

Fruits And Vegetables

Science Daily: Fruit and veggies give you the feel-good factor
summary - New research suggests up to eight-a-day can make you happier. The well-being improvements occurred within 24 months.


Glynn Kalara said...

My diet is mostly fresh fruits, veggies and some fish ( wild caught) and chicken ( free range no antibiotics) and dairy. Dairy is my failing. I use lactose supplements to be able to eat it. I mostly eat yogurt and ice cream in the summer only. I've cut my sugar intake down by half or more and my A1C is now falling a bit. Have also cut carbs by half as well.

Jim Sande said...

I hear you, salad is my new breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have my failings as well, hey you gotta live...