Saturday, July 09, 2016

'Fraying At The Seams'

Politico: Trump, Clinton run on opposite sides of a fractured America - 'It feels like a fraying at the seams of the country.' By Shane Goldmacher and Annie Karni
Radio host Alex Jones, who sometimes traffics in conspiracy theories, tweeted, “This is the start of Obama/Soros destabilization race war.” Trump himself appeared on Jones’ program last December, telling him, “Your reputation is amazing.”


Glynn Kalara said...

A big part of the problem is the lessor of two evils scenario doesn't solve the BIG evolving issues out here. All they do is kick these issues down the street into the future where the outcomes are far worse. Let me give a small example of how this might end or how each of these issues like Healthcare or the Climate or inequality end. In NJ, for four decades the Govs. knew that the transportation trust fund was going to go belly up and that if not dealt with eventually the day would come ( it did last mos.) when it would be broke and all hiway construction /repairs /projects would have to close down ASAP. It happened and now the Dems. and the GOP Gov. ( Christie) have to raise the gas tax TWENTY THREE CENTS a gal. in one day to fill the hole that four decades of kicking this particular can down the road ( no pun intended) has wrought. This is how exponential change occurs. We are going to see more and more of these kinds of sudden jolts and some are going to be in the NATURAL world with no way to raise taxes etc. to fix them and they will cause other things to domino. In NJ the raise in the gas tax will also domino. One way it will domino is that gaming will now probably be extended to Northern NJ and it will crush atleast 4 AC Casinos one of which my wife works in. She will lose her job and we will be semi-destitute in a minute. So, those four yrs. of non-action will have real effects on real people and I'm one of them. This is how it's going to go going forward.

Jim Sande said...

I think you are quite correct. This sudden jolt to the system is how it seems to work in America. This is so symptomatic of many things in the USA. The curious thing is many people believe that the answer is to double down on extremism. For example I write exchanges with Trump supporters on Facebook. I wrote to one guy, tell me when in the history of humanity has a leader come into power, institutes policies like deporting millions of people, making others register with a big check mark on their head, etc, with the end result that everything worked out great. Believe it or not he said, it never has happened but it will when Trump comes into power! So another one of your ideas is true as well, it's this idea that as long as we can repress and hold down one portion of humanity, we, we as in the entitled white guys, will be just fine and that's the natural order of how things are supposed to be. What I see is the country doubling down on hate and fear. This is expressed in endless ways both subtle and obvious. I predict, and we all know this, the extremism we see now, will be the norm and what comes next is worse. I need to point out one more thing. This shooting in Dallas is a bit of a turn because up until now it has been mostly white guys, 20 to 30 in age, who were the mass shooters. Not any more.