Saturday, July 09, 2016

Fifteen Bucks

NBC News: Democrats Add $15 Minimum Wage to Platform by Alex Seitz-Wald


Glynn Kalara said...

As a small business person once, sadly this will fall much heavier on people like I was then say some BIG Corp. with a huge profit margin and Unionized work force. The Dems. don't seem to care they think this wage is one size fits all. The negative side effect is many small businesses people will not hire or not hire as many as they might with a lower wage. It's NOT a zero sum game out here. That said, it's good for the average worker if he can get a job. Good luck at that.

Jim Sande said...

The problem is the minimum wage is not a wage that anyone can live on especially on their own. It's okay for a teen living with the parents and making pocket change and learning the ropes. The hike is going to cause trouble. There are guys out there who are very skilled workers, carpenters, painters, tapers, masons, sheetrockers etc who are getting less than $15 in many places. They are pissed as hell knowing that their kid might make as much as them at McDonald's. You would think they would be happy but it's not so. It's hierarchical and people wear their $1 raise like a military stripe. I say the higher the better. The more money out there in the poor and middle class is the real trickle. It's trickle around the community, not trickle down.