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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Textbook Narcissist

Salon: “A Trump speech is just a story starring Trump”: Science proves The Donald is a textbook narcissist - It's as if psychologists decided on the definition for "unprincipled narcissist" from within a Trump rally by Jeff Carter
Another key feature of Trump’s particular personality disorder is his pronounced vindictiveness. Some Republicans wonder aloud why Trump keeps attacking other Republicans and doesn’t move on from the primaries mindset to the main-event general election. He cannot. He has been dissed not only by the effrontery of being opposed, but after the vanquishing of his enemies, they still refuse to endorse him. Intolerable! Disqualify them from ever running for office again, ban reporters who ask confrontational questions, blacklist newspapers, vow to change the libel laws so that he can sue more easily. He can’t stop and he can’t control it.

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