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Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 Washington Post: Justice Dept. to appeal mask mandate ruling if CDC says it’s needed - The department said it would defer to the CDC’s assessment of health conditions before filing any appeal By Lori Aratani, Dan Simmons, Mary Beth Gahan and Jennifer Oldham


Glynn Kalara said...

The TRUMP appointed judge that did this is a 34 yr. old ultra Conservative who shouldn't have been appointed in the 1st place to a life long judgeship with her level of experience. She's a Federalist Society pick and her only qualifications are just that. She doesn't give a damn about public safety and her reasoning in this case is absurd. The Biden Admin. is appealing it but with the SCOTUS in the hands of the same kinds of pinheads it will probably be upheld.

Jim Sande said...

Yes, I read her 'qualifications' too. This is Trump's imprint on our society. I kept telling people back in 2016, vote for Clinton, it matters with the judicial picks.